Senin, 10 Maret 2014

A bit of Seuss, Weekend Wrap-Up, and Orders!

Here's a little bit of everything for you today! Yes, you're getting a whole lot of random, which has been a running theme over the past several weeks. Welcome to my life. In all of it's randomness!
Last week in speech, we made Thing 1's and Thing 2's. I had to come up with something quick for Dr. Seuss/Read Across America week, and incorporated following directions into all of my speech groups. I don't typically talk "work" on the blog, but these were too cute not to share!
Just trace and cut out a hand for "hair", add a circle for the face, and a red t-shirt. This activity would be great for pre-schoolers, and my 3rd grade students even enjoyed making them! It's also great for working on fine-motor skills.

I took Addy with my on a trip to Target on Friday night and she happily (well, she doesn't look so happy) enjoyed the sling. I just love having a sling and how easy it is to carry her around!  And why is it that I always spend a crap load of money at Target! That place sucks me in every time.
On Saturday, I told DJ that it was going to be my selfish day where I sewed and completed projects. First, I tackled the re-organizing of my sewing space, which wasn't much fun, even though it at first sounded like it.
We moved the old living room t.v. upstairs, and moved around some furniture, added some more storage, and I put away tons of fabric, and it was done!
I spent the rest of the day working on your orders!
Infant layette gown & hospital hat $45.00 for set

"Lil Brother" tie shirt $20.00

Embroidered Bib $12.00.
Seriously, wouldn't this be the sweetest baby shower gift with some baby spoons and bowls!
Excuse snot nosed Addy Pearl, but this was her first time sitting in her high chair. And yes, it's on the floor, because that's what you do with a third child. We need to figure out how to squeeze in another chair at our dining room table.
Sunday morning we went to church, then we went out to eat. As we were pulling out of the driveway on Sunday morning, Gretchen said, "So, where are we eating after church today?" Which is not always our typical, even though we do enjoy it- well, that was before we had three kids. So, as to not disappoint her, we went to Red Robin, where it took us an hour and a half to eat because we had a super slow waiter! He was just so bad and so inefficient, and just not someone who needs to serve a couple with three kids that need to eat and need naps!
Megan fell asleep in the car on the way home, so DJ and G stayed outside, while I went in and fed Addy and put her to bed.
Once Megan woke up, they played outside while I went to Ulta and bought new make up! (Another post for another day.)
Don't you just love Megan's sense of style! Talk about pattern mixing!
Then when I got home, I took Megan, (in the jogging stroller), Gretchen, and her friend on a walk down to the pond and back again.
Such a great weekend! A productive weekend! And, we only have this week left of work and then we're off to Arkansas for spring break!
Stay tuned this week, because I have a new Girl Mom post coming tomorrow and a surprise for y'all on Wednesday!

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

5 on Friday!

Happy Friday! Usually, I'm so excited for the weekend, and don't get me wrong, I really am excited, I just don't feel like it should be Friday. With two snow days earlier this week, and a sick day at home with Megan, my week is just totally thrown off. 

So, here's a little 5 on Friday for you, even though it doesn't feel like Friday!
1.) Megan dressed herself on Wednesday when we were home for her sick day. She loves to get dressed! She must get that from her daddy, because i'm 100% happy to stay in my pajamas all day long.  She begged to get dressed and instantly asked for her "frog shirt". She had on matching leggings, but had an accident, and so she dressed herself in sparkly leggings, heart shorts, and snow boots. 
2.) I remembered to take a picture for next week's WIWW! Yay me! I bought this scarf in January and I just love it. It's like a comfy warm blanket wrapped around my neck. 
3.) Miss Addy getting her bath Thursday night!
4.) Thursday night was parent-teacher conferences at my school. DJ and I had a great little plan figured out, but this little girl through a huge kink in it! She has been running a fever off and on this week. We went ahead and sent her to daycare on Thursday. Yes, we were totally those parents. At 5:30, I got a phone call that Megan was running a 104 temperature. I called DJ and he was already on his way to pick up the girls. I called our pediatrician and they let me know that 105 is the point of concern. DJ decided that he wanted to take Megan to the doctor anyway. My principal's at work were so understanding and let me leave to get the other girls so DJ could take Megan to the doctor. Because daycare had given her tylenol, her temperature was reduced to 99. The doctor's best guess is that she has a viral infection. Remember, last week when Adalyn had a mysterious rash? Well, we're kind of thinking that Megan picked up that viral infection, whatever it was, and now i'm thinking that we'll see a rash on Megan in a few days. If not, then who knows what viral infection Megan has. The doctor was concerned with how Megan's lip had been healing, since she bit it so severely on Saturday, that he gave her an antibiotic for her lip. The downside, is that her antibiotic can cause diarrhea. 

When I was talking to my school principals tonight, I told them that I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I'm just so thankful that i'm in a position with women that understand what motherhood entails. I'm just so over our family being sick.
5.) Gretchen had Read Across America/Dr. Seuss week at school. Wednesday was "Wacky Wednesday" and this was her outfit of choice. 

Oh my! Y'all have a great weekend lovelies!

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

#weltegram2014 Day 57-63

It's Thursday, and another rendition of your #weltegram2014!!! Yay! I know you're all super pumped! 

Honestly, I've had so much fun taking pictures every day, although there are some days that I almost forget, and then I have to come up with something quick!
Day 57-  The girls and I decided to bake brownies for daddy!
Day 58- Date night!!!! Woo-hoo!
Day 59- The day we re-organized our office, and almost took this girl to the ER. 
Day 60- I got to hang out with Addy Pearl, while DJ took the big girls to the TU basketball game. She had a much needed bath!
Day 61- DJ took the girls to see The Lego movie!
Day 62- Gretchen lost another tooth! I love that she wrote a note to the tooth fairy letting her know where her tooth was. 
Day 63- Meggie and I had a sick day. She had been running a temperature, so we stayed home from school. She slept until 9 in the morning, and then by 11, had layed down again, and fell asleep. She had her mittens and gloves on because she was trying to convince me to let her go play in the snow!

Hope y'all have a great Thursday! This week has flown by because I haven't had to work, but I know i'm going to be drowning in work today, and we have parent teacher conferences tonight, so say a prayer that DJ will be able to survive having all three girls this evening! To be honest, i'm not 100% sure I feel sorry for him!

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

WIWW: A Dress Edition

Today's edition of What I Wore Wednesday, is a little different! I play by my own rules, and honestly I've been stuck in the house since Saturday, and I have no outfit pictures to share. So, I thought I'd change it to "What I Would Wear."

DJ and I have a wedding in April for one of his co-workers. The wedding is in Denver, and we decided to leave the girls with my mom and that we would have a little get away weekend!

The only problem, is that my dress collection is sparse. I have several dresses that I wear with leggings. I have a more formal cocktail dress, and then I have a handful of dresses that I've had for several years. 

Personally, I think the occasion calls for a new dress. And because I work full time, and have three little girls, that means that I need to do some online shopping!
 I found this dress at Loft. (Here) and I love the detail around the neckline. It's so elegant. I'm not sure the color would look good on me. I have a feeling it would totally wash me out. 
I love the simplicity of this dress. (Here) Plus, I can see myself wearing this all the time!
I'm dying over this dress! I love how it flares at the bottom, and it's another one that I think I could wear more than once. (Here)

This dress is available in the Junior Department at Nordstrom's. (Here) I think I could totally dress it up to be wedding appropriate.
I went to Gap next, and found this blue dress. (Here) I'm a sucker for anything royal blue, because I can totally convince DJ that it's appropriate for any football event. 

This is another dress i'm drooling over! I love the 3/4 sleeves and the flare of the skirt. (Here). It's totally appropriate for a wedding in Denver in April. 

So, which is your favorite? Where's your "go-to" dress store?

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

"Girl Mom"~ An Introduction

I am so, so, so excited to start this post series today! I have been praying for a way to reach out to other mom's, and one afternoon, while reading a Facebook message, God opened my eyes and showed me how I can reach out to so many of you! I am praying that this is exactly what this series will do! 

Every Tuesday, I'll be sharing a topic for us moms of little girls! I pray that you'll join in through my blog, Facebook page, or Instagram and weigh in and share your thoughts and experiences so we can all learn from each other! 
First, I want to share, that I am NO expert! I am just a mom trying to raise three little girls! I'm trying to teach them to have a faith in God that is so strong. I'm trying to teach them to use their faith to show other's His love. At the same time, I pray that they are learning how to be kind, how to get along with each other, how to be patient, loving, honest, and so many more character traits that little girls who will eventually become women and mommies themselves will need. 

Last week, I asked you all to share your daily challenges as well as any thoughts of being a girl mom and here's what you had to say:

Liz shared "Mine aren't daily struggles- yet. But, I worry about raising my daughter to be confident in a society that emphasizes beauty and appearance over brain and character."

Terri G shared, "I love seeing her grow and mature. But, it's hard because soon she will be hormonal and I'm not sure I like that for my baby!"

Angelina said that she loves having two girls! Knowing they will have each other growing up makes her so happy, and she is praying that their friendship will always be!

Kailah said, "What's not to love?" She only has one little girl so far, but is expecting a new bundle of joy in October. She thinks that the most frustrating thing is that "she's just like ME!" She also thinks that girls are the best because of the ruffles. 

Kailah, I totally agree.

Susan shared that she struggles because she wasn't a girly girl herself, and dresses and bows don't come naturally to her. Um, Susan, have you ever heard of my shop? I can totally help in that area! She also says that the attitudes can totally wear you out! 

Y'all, I really hope that I can touch on every single one of these areas and so many more! I hope that you'll join me every Tuesday!

Happy Squeel! I cannot wait until next week!

Go ahead and leave me a comment and let me know what you'd like for me to cover. Is there an area of struggle? A huge blessing that you'd like to share? A milestone that has just thrilled you, something that you have always looked forward to when you dreamed about being a mom? Share away!

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Super Crazy Fantabulous Past Few Days

Well, y'all, it's been a week! Or a weekend, or whatever. Let me just say that i'm so glad that we had snow and ice yesterday and I get one more day off! 

I'm not going to be so excited now that we will be heading into another week in June at the end of this school year, thus delaying my summer plans, but for the moment, I'm sort of glad that I have another day. My "to-do list" was only about 1/2 accomplished this weekend!

I didn't blog on Friday, since I was at a continuing education conference, so we have a lot of catching up to do! 

Let's get started. Shall we?
Wednesday night we decided to go out to eat. That's what happens when we forget to get something out of the freezer and I'm too lazy to cook. 

I picked up the little girls from daycare, went by the house to get Gretchen, fed Addy, and then we went to the restaurant to get a table. DJ met us there, and I was so thankful when he finally walked through the door! Megan was throwing a few fits, Gretchen blew her straw paper across the table, I was trying to feed Addy her baby food, and she was screaming most of the time through it, and it was just crazy. So crazy, in fact, that the people who were going to be seated behind us asked to be moved! I wish I was kidding. I wanted to go sit at their table. 

That evening, Megan started throwing up. I started regretting the fact that I didn't have a margarita at dinner. 

DJ stayed home with Megan on Thursday until two. I've taken about 6 "sick days" already this year, and I'm pretty sure that if my principals could fire me, they would. I left work around 2 to pick Megan up from DJ's office, and she fell asleep in the car on the way to get Adalyn from daycare. 
Bless her little heart.

Thankfully, her little tummy bug was short lived and that evening the girls and I made brownies for DJ.
This is the best part of baking!

Now that I'm a mommy, I have to share the spoon. That's love y'all. 

Friday I had a continuing education conference at TU. DJ and I met for lunch and that night we took the girls back to their daycare for a parent's night out.
Here's Addy and I before we left the house! She was ready for bed!
And DJ and I after we dropped the girls off. We were so excited for a kid free date night!

We started off the night by going to David's Bridal, so I could order my bridesmaid's dress for a wedding this summer. Then we went to Hobby Lobby, and Best Buy. We may or may not have bought a ridiculously large t.v. 
We didn't have time for dinner, so we went to Sonic.

I decided that the perfect ending to my date night would be a peanut butter cup blast and an order of mozzarella sticks.

I was right. It was the perfect ending.
And yes, we did buy that ridiculously big t.v.

When I tucked G in that night, she asked me to sleep with her. I told her that I would, but when I went upstairs, I had no idea where I'd fit! 

Sometimes, you just have to sleep with a bunch of toys to make your daughter happy.
On Saturday morning, DJ and G watched The Little Mermaid in 3-D on our new t.v.

Ridiculous. I told you!

Megan got dressed and chose her bows herself. She was telling me that her tongue was dirty and wanted me to take a picture of her dirty tongue. 

That morning, I took the girls to the post office and to Verizon, and the plan was to go to Target afterward, but one big girl kept throwing tantrums, and this mama told her that if she continued to throw a fit, that we'd head home and skip Target. And, i'm not one to go back on my promises so that's what we did. 

After lunch and a failed attempt at naps, DJ and I re-arranged his office.

Then, we almost rushed Megan to the ER.

While we were in the office, Megan literally tripped over her own feet, fell into a chair and bit a huge chunk out of her bottom lip. 

I called our neighbor to watch Gretchen, and then I called a good friend to see what the best ER would be to take Megan to. She let me know that her husband, a nurse & fireman, was working at the fire station by our house, and suggested that we take her there first so he could get a look. He and the other ER nurse that was on call at the station, said that it wouldn't be worth it to take her in. The anesthesia to put her to sleep for just one stitch wouldn't be worth it, since she didn't bite through her lip. Plus, Megan was already FREAKING OUT, so we decided to take her home, and give her a popsicle to help numb her lip.
She later fell asleep on the couch around 6 pm, so Gretchen and I finally went to Target. Megan was still asleep when we got home, and woke up right around bedtime. I know that's good timing on our part. So, she stayed up and watched a movie with DJ and me.
This is her at 10:30 when the movie was finally over and she finally went to bed. 

When we woke up on Sunday, it was snowing and sleeting, so we stayed home from church. We watched Brave and Peter Pan, and then I turned on cheerleading.
Naturally, Gretchen decided she wanted to be a cheerleader, so she went upstairs and put on her bathing suit, and grabbed her pom poms. I know, don't all cheerleaders cheer in their swimsuits. 

Despite the snow, DJ took the big girls to the TU basketball game and I got to hang out with this cutie:
Scroll back above and you may just notice that she's wearing the same pajamas as she was on Friday night. And, I assure you, I didn't do laundry. Just keeping it real y'all. 

Okay, so here's the office re-do: 
We moved his desk over in the corner, switched a few tables around, moved a bookcase, and hung his 49ers helmet on the wall with his 49ers pictures. 
We also organized the filing cabinets, but that's boring, and we re-organized his football memorabilia on the bookcase. 

I hope your weekend was just as thrilling as mine! Come back tomorrow, because I have a NEW blog post series that is starting and i'm so excited about it! 
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