Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Tulsa Lifestyle Photographer: Review

I want to introduce you to Madison Vining Photography. She took our family photos last fall, and i'm still in love with them!
She is an amazing photographer here in Tulsa! She has been perfecting her art for the last two years, and has taken some amazing images! Not only does she shoot families, she takes amazing high school senior pictures, baby and children portraits, weddings, and my new favorite boudoir! 
 Here's one she took of G. This one is framed in my living room, and it's by far my favorite picture that has ever been taken of her! 
 Here's my chunky MC when she was just 4 1/2 months old! I love her eyes!
Madison has compiled a workbook where you can learn digital photography yourself! She teaches you all about your DSLR camera, lighting composition, and how to capture the perfect shots of your own kids! And, for THREE days only, "Very Jane" has picked up her workbook and is offering it at only half price! You can get her workbook here.  But, hurry, because only a limited amount are being offered! 

We met with Madison last Friday night and took our new family pictures and here's a sneek peak at one of them! Isn't it fabulous?!

I want to offer one more thing: MVP is having a referral contest on her facebook page. I am asking each of you that have read this post to please head over to her page and 'like' it- I promise, you'll love looking through the images! Next, and this is a MUST, find the status update on her wall that says, "Referral Contest", and comment with "Elaine Welte".... that lets her know that you found her through me! I am dying to win a boudoir photo shoot with Madison, and let's be honest, DJ wouldn't mind me winning either!!!!

I also want to thank Madison for always producing the most amazing images! I know that she'll be our "go-to" photographer while we are living in Tulsa! 

MC's first dentist appointment

In September, I asked our dentist when MC should have her first appointment. I know that dentists vary in their answers, and G didn't go to the dentist until she was 2, almost 3 years old. But, our dentist prefers that kiddos start to come as soon as they begin getting their teeth! So, I made MC her first dentist appointment and took her over fall break. 
They gave her a toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste, and Miss Independent preferred brushing her teeth herself. There was no way she was letting that hygienist in her mouth! 
She played around in the chair, walked around in the office, and sat in my lap. She talked and waved, and was surprisingly happy! 
She loved that there was a light and t.v. above her, and was pretty mesmerized! 

She had a great report from the dentist and he agreed with me about not getting rid of her paci (yet) which I was very pleased with!

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

TU Homecoming

TU had their homecoming game over a week ago, and i'm just now getting around to blogging photos from the game! The girls and I spent pretty much the entire game inside, and only went outside for a little while so G could play on the bounce houses. 
 Both girls wore their cheerleading outfits. 
 MC is always so happy to run around the offices on game days! I let her take her nap early, and woke her up right when it was time to go, so she didn't take a nap at all during the game, and I was a little nervous how she'd do, but she did great and conked out as soon as we got in the car! 
 Here's one of me and the girls! I can't believe G is smiling AND looking at the camera!
 This is Matt and his mom... Matt is a student at TU, and works int he video department for DJ, his mom is one of our coaches wives, and she is so sweet! She opens up her husband's office for the wives and kids to hang out in (they have the best view and the most room) and brings in toys and treats for us!  Matt is also a great babysitter during the games because G often plays in DJ's office- pretty sure that wasn't in his job description though! 
Here's G and M..... M is only two, but these girls are great friends! They love to play together during the games! 

Thankfully, TU won their homecoming game against Rice, and we have a 7-1 record! Which also means, that we are bowl eligible and should be having a little "vacation" around Christmas! I'm so proud of the TU coaches and players for already having such an amazing season! 

We take on the Razorbacks this weekend, and while those piggies aren't having a stellar season, i'm nervous about the game! But, i'm excited to go, because my family will be there, and maybe i'll get to run into some friends! I'm just hoping the girls survive because the game is smack dab in the middle of nap time! Wish me us luck!

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

My Randomness

Life has been a bunch of random lately. This week is utterly crazy, so I feel like a random post!  

In one of my mom's groups we've been sharing our outfits of the day. It's been fun over the last few weeks to see what everyone is wearing, because we have never met! I love seeing everyone's sense of style- from those of us that work in the corporate world to those that stay at home with the kids. I love that we are all different and unique, and can share our sense of style with each other! This is my outfit post from Monday. 
I'm playing around with my makeup this week. We have family pictures Friday night, and i'm debating on eye-liner. My biggest problem right now is that I have bags under my eyes when I smile. I think it's because my face is a round shape, and my cheeks just bunch up, giving me bags. How do I get rid of this problem? And, do we like the eyeliner- yay or nay?
I've been getting in lots of cuddles with MC lately. She's just growing up too fast! I had so much fun being home with her over fall break last week. I took this photo while she was crawling around on top of me. Such a silly girl!
She's 17 months old and we are still using and loving our fluff diapers! 
Here's another random photo of MC and I. 
We were outside playing last week and she climbed on G's scooter. She loves this toy, and every time we walk to the car, she climbs on top of the scooter! She wants to be a big girl so bad!
 I hope everyone's having a great week! 

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Home Tour: Playroom

I have been meaning to write this blog posts for months now! It took me a while to get good photos of the girls' playroom because the playroom is always a mess. And, I just didn't feel like I could show what this room really looks like! 

When we moved into this house, I was so thrilled that the girls could have a playroom. Our entire upstairs is just one large room, and it was the perfect space for all of their toys! I know DJ really wanted a man cave, but our house also has an office space, that can display all of his sports memorabilia, so the girls took over the upstairs.

There's an little window nook that we made into a reading corner for the girls. We purchased these sparkly letters from Hobby Lobby, and hung them on one of the nook walls. 
 Opposite of the letters is their bookshelf. I obviously love books, and we have quite a collection because it's overflowing! The girls also have a few books in their own bedrooms!
 Right outside of the window nook is yet another book container! Thanks to Nana for purchasing it for MC's birthday! We also have a large bin of just stuffed animals. (That rarely if ever are played with.)
 My very best friend gave me this "Belle" painting about two years ago. And sadly, it just sat rolled up in a closet somewhere. We just had no space for it. The painting was actually given to her, and was purchased at a charity auction- it is an original painting from a Disney on Ice show. I knew that I wanted to finally display it in the girls playroom.
 We have two closets in the playroom, and i've turned one into an entire dress up space. I've since purchased a shoe organizer, but I need to get more buckets for their necklaces, gloves, feather boas, and purses! This closet is always a mess!
 Of course we have the doll area, and yes, the babies are usually just thrown in there! MC loves playing with the babies! 
 I made the pink frame years ago to hang up G's art work, but now, it's used for her sight words. But, she randomly adds her little art pieces, or hangs them on the wall with stickers! Eventually, we plan to get them a huge magnetic board for their art. 
 Opposite of the doll area, we have the "baby" toys. These were all of G's toys from when she was 1-2 years old, and when we moved to Oklahoma, they were all in storage for a year. It was fun to pull them back out and remember her playing with them or when she received the toys. 
 This storage shelf is filled with randoms- we have blocks, musical instruments, puzzles, doll house toys, and little kids meal toys!

 The girls also have their play kitchen set up- I think this is their favorite place to play!
 The tall brown wicker baskets hold all of the pretend food- we have so much play food- it takes up three of those drawers, and finally the bottom drawer has the baby doll things. 
 I made the "Sweet Shop" banner for MC's first birthday; i'm glad we could re-use it!
 DJ convinced me to put a spare bed in the playroom. I really didn't want to, but i'm glad that we did! It's been a good place for our company to stay!
 We decked out the bed in fun pillows. We purchased fabric and fringe, and my mom sewed all of them. I honestly want to get more pillows for the bed- it's on my "to buy" list!
 On the other wall, I have a mirror and some pictures hanging. I want to make this a collage wall, but I haven't had a chance to purchase more picture frames. I'm hoping to display photos of the girls with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
When decorating the playroom, I didn't go with a "theme", instead I went with bright colors. I love the way their playroom turned out. It's such a fun space for us to be together. I'd love to get some more storage units for the toys, and the girls are getting bean bags for Christmas; but they just love being in that room! I'm thankful we were able to give them a place to play and the best part is that if it's a mess- I don't have to see it!

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Little Pumpkins

I absolutely love this time of year! The mornings are cool, the afternoons are warm, and the days are getting shorter! Plus, fall is full of layering clothes, football, pumpkin patch visits, pumpkin carving, Halloween, and yummy comfort food! 

I decked the girls out in semi-matching Halloween dresses for church this morning, and attempted to get pictures on our pumpkin filled front porch!

MC plopped right down, grabbed a pumpkin and said "ball"!
 Then threw it! She laughed and laughed and thought it was so funny! Which, made it pretty impossible to get a great picture of the girls!
 Here's one of just G. She thinks MC is pretty funny, which only makes MC act up more! They're starting to be such a fun age, and they're interacting with each other more! It's so funny to hear what G tells MC and to watch MC want to do the same things her big sister is doing!
 I think DJ and I were starting to get frustrated taking their pictures, and I finally snapped this one- G never looks at the camera; but at least they both have smiles on their faces! 
We have family pictures this Friday night, and i'm so nervous that Madison won't get any good photos of the girls! I'm definitely keeping my fingers cross, and willing to give them ice cream for dinner if they'll cooperate!

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Halloween Treats!

My mom was here last weekend and she was so excited to make some Halloween treats with the girls, that she had found via Pinterest.

She purchased all the supplies and hauled them four hours north just to have fun with my girls! 
 They made witches hats out of cookies, icing, and kisses. G pushed down a little too hard and smooshed the icing around everywhere!
 Next, they made ghosts using white chocolate, nutter butter cookies, and chocolate chips.

 MC even helped by getting the nutter butters out of the bag and handing them to G. 

 And by eating a few!
The girls had so much fun making these treats with their Gee! I'm glad they'll have these memories!

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Latest Orders

I had several orders to work on this past weekend, and I thought I would share them with you! 

This first bow is probably my favorite; because it's chevron! I'm totally in love with chevron right now!  And, my favorite ribbon supplier has just started carrying all sorts of chevron ribbon! You can bet your bows, that i'll be ordering & making more chevron bows!
 I wanted to do a few "Thanksgiving" bows, although my holiday hair bows aren't always my best sellers. I really like making my items, multi-functional, and this bow isn't any different! It is a brown boutique bow with a pumpkin ribbon sculpture clippie. But, they can each be worn separately! So, after fall, you'll still have a great basic brown bow!
 This turkey bow is made in the same way. The adorable sculptured ribbon turkey can be worn alone, or with the brown base bow. 
 I also had a custom request to create a "Union" themed hair bow. I'm currently working for USD, and I had fun creating these bows for a raffle basket! 
 I also made a pony-o! 

Both of these bows, will be placed in a raffle basket with an adorable red, black, and zebra skirt, "Union" bling t's, and tutu's! If you're a local, you can bid on these items at Union's Dinner on November 3rd. 
 Finally, I worked on this adorable pink chevron bib and burpie! These make fabulous baby gifts, and are a steal at only $10.00! If you feel like spending more, you can always add a coordinating bow or paci clip to match! (I have more of this pink chevron fabric if anyone's interested!)
Thanks for letting me show off my latest creations! You can purchase any of these or custom order your own here.

Which one is your favorite?
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