So we made it through Addy's first few hours of life. Our family left us pretty early at the hospital Friday night and took the girls out to eat. DJ's mom stayed and hung out with us for a while, and when she left, we were able to get some rest.
We started getting ready for bed around 10, but I don't think we made it there until 11, and of courses, nurses were coming in all through the night. I tried to let Adalyn sleep in her bassinet, but she just wasn't having it, and I was more than thrilled to swaddle her and lay her in the bed beside me.
My nurse reminded me that I shouldn't sleep with her earlier that evening, and I just thought, "hey lady, this is my third baby, pretty sure if she sleeps better this way, then we're gonna do it!" And we did. 
She slept 6 hours that first night! The nursery nurse told me I should've woken her up to feed her, and I told her we'd play catch up during the day to make up for the missed feedings, but i'm gonna be honest, I really enjoyed the consecutive hours of sleep!
We got Adalyn dressed and worked on getting dressed ourselves. I layed her on the bed at one point, and she started sucking her thumb, so I made DJ take a picture!
Here's Addy and I after I was able to shower, put on some make up and put on pj's. Because in the hospital, right after having a baby, you need pj's. I promise, you won't want to put anything else on.
I crawled back in the bed and enjoyed dozing off and on and snuggling with sweet Adalyn.
We had to change her clothes because she peed on them. Good thing I had plenty of outfits to change her into!
Here's DJ and I with our new baby girl.
And Addy and me with her Gee, my mama.... I swear, I could not do this without her. I'm so, so thankful that she's been able to be around for all three of the girls births!
DJ's mom came up that morning too.... and this is what you do when you're bored at a hospital- DJ was showing them house plans that we're interested in, because you know, we like to move and all.
Later that afternoon DJ's dad and stepmom came up for a visit.
And finally my girls! I love watching all of them interact together, and yes, they had matching outfits! Thanks Gee!
The first thing Meggie said was, "I wanna hold baby" and she jumped up in the bed so she could hold her baby sister.
Meggie pointed out baby's eyes, nose, mouth, hands, and feet. Every time I tried to help Meggie hold Adalyn, she'd move my hands away and say, "I do it!"
I love, love, love the picture above!
By this time, Meggie had jumped down, and Addy was being passed around and I was able to get some snuggles from Gretchen, my first baby girl.
Gretchen decided she wanted to hold Adalyn, and she did such a good job! She just loved holding her!
And, we were able to get another picture of our family of five, full of princesses..... and one prince.
I don't have pictures, because I wasn't with the girls on Saturday, but that morning, they woke up and played outside and my mom made them pancakes. Their pops and grandma Dee came over and took them to the swimming pool and to McDonald's for lunch, and then back home for naps. Aunt Jan stayed with the girls for their naps, and then loaded them up in the car to meet their Nana for mani/pedi's. Apparently, MC wanted nothing to do with the pedi, but G had her toes and fingernails painted and even had little sparkles on them! After their mani/pedi's they came up for their hospital visit, and then they went out to dinner at Olive Garden with their grandma's and Aunt Jan.
I am so, so thankful for our family that came, not only to see Adalyn, but to make the days special for the older girls!
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