Last week I had the idea to make colored ice cubes with the girls. Honestly, I couldn't remember if I originally saw the idea on Pinterest or if I just came up with the idea on my own, but I thought it would be a fun way to pass some time, work on fine motor skills, and work on colors. 

I put newspaper out on the countertops and filled three ice cube trays with water. Then, I sat the girls on the counter, and let them squeeze food coloring into the trays.
Squeezing the food coloring bottles is an excellent fine motor skill! It works on grasping and on those little muscles!
MC is working on naming colors so this was a great way to practice color names! Right now everything is either yellow or green.
It can also be a great experiment on what colors can be made when you mix two colors together!
G decided to make patterns with her tray. She did one row as an AB pattern, and the next row was an ABB pattern.
When the girls were finished the ice trays were put in the freezer and forgotten about for several days!
Last Tuesday afternoon we spent a lot of time outside, so I thought i'd bring out the ice cube trays and let the girls play with the ice.
I was hoping that the girls would be able to 'paint' the fence or the concrete with the cubes, but it wasn't working. So, we ended up dumping one tray into their water table and letting them play with the cubes as the ice melted. It was also fun to see all the colors mix together!
Then I went inside and grabbed another ice tray out of the freezer along with some paper. I popped the cubes out and let the girls 'paint' on paper. This worked out much better!
The girls had fun playing with the cold ice and MC even ate a little bit!
Their paintings were more 'pastel' but the girls were able to explore the cold ice, taste, and touch.... we really had fun with this activity even though in my mind it worked out a little different, but we touched on a lot of learning subjects and the girls had no idea that learning could be fun! In fact, G even said, "this is the best summer ever" as she was painting with her ice cubes!
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