I've been horrible about staying on top of Halloween posts, so this week will be a catch up! I can't believe it's already November! October, totally flew by and I know that this month will too. We're just so busy right now that it's hard staying on top of everything.
Last week, I had the girls wear Halloween outfits that I made them. I did this little twirl skirt and matching shirt for G. Thankfully, it was warm enough for her to wear it with just a pair of leggings underneath, and the shirt was a little big, so she can wear it next year too. 
I did this little onesie for MC, but it was cool in the morning so we through a sweater on top of it. My plan was for her to wear it with just leggings, but we needed to throw on pants for her. She was cranky and walking back toward the camera in this picture.
DJ happened to be home, so we took a picture of me and the girls before we all headed off to school!
The girls had Halloween parties at school, and I was really depressed at the thought of missing them, since i'm working full time again. It turns out, that G's class party wasn't going to be until 12:15, so I was able to take a long lunch and visit her! I also didn't want to go to MC's party and have her cry when I left.
MC wore this adorable ghost dress to school on Halloween day. It was also G's, which makes it special.
I let G wear a costume to school, but not her actual Halloween costume. I was afraid that it would get too messed up at school, but this gives her a chance to use her own creativity. At first, she was going to be Cinderella, and wear her tutu gown, but then she changed her mind and decided to be Princess Tiana. The night before, she changed her mind again and decided to be Angelina Ballerina. After two outfit changes, this is what she came up with!
She's picking out her own outfits now, and it's been fun seeing the styles that she's trying to throw together!
During her class party, they played "pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern" and had "pumpkin" races.
I love seeing her personality at school!
Her class had lots of treats to eat, and lots of orange food! We brought mandarin orange pumpkin cups, and they had cookies, carrots, fruit, and veggie dip.
Each year, her school decorates pumpkins and has a contest to see who has created the best. Here's G with her class pumpkin. They made a sparkling jack-o-lantern.
MC's class made a pumpkin lamb- the kids were able to glue on the cotton balls!
MC was eating her snack when I picked her up last Wednesday afternoon, so I took her picture- maybe she'll think that I actually made it to her Halloween party and not feel left out!
One of her friends gave her this goody bag with some treats.
It was such a fun and busy Halloween day- I was so excited to get home for trick-or-treating that night!
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