This past weekend was game one of our eighth football season!!! We started the season with a trip to Iowa to play Iowa State University. This weekend was also our wives trip, which I look forward to every year!
These first few photos are a bit random. DJ took them during practice. He wants to get some photos of his students and frame them on a wall in his office. 
I wanted to include these photos because there are so many who don't understand the aspects of DJs position as Video Coordinator. To put a long story short, he has students who video tape the practices. All of his video is capture onto hard drives. DJ then takes these hard drives and inputs them into his various computer programs. In which, he breaks downs the plays, so coaches and players can review them one by one. They can also go straight to a 4th quarter play and skip the beginning of the game if they wish.
In the photo above, you can see the lift that they use to capture the end zone shot. The students shoot from two main view points- side line and end zone. He also has a filmer on the field for any highlight videos. (seen below).
I had someone comment on my facebook photo of the picture above, and I want to let everyone know that while the lift looks so scary. The coaches and DJ are very careful as to utilizing these lifts. In fact, at several schools we've been, DJ has changed their filming methods to not utilize these lifts. He uses wind meters to measure the speed of the wind, and if the wind is blowing over a certain speed, these lifts are not utilized. Sadly, at Notre Dame, about three seasons ago, a video student passed away when the lift blew over.
DJ also edits and produces team highlight videos for the team.
I ended up taking Friday morning off, and cleaned the house and packed and ran a few errands. DJ took the girls to daycare. We met at the stadium around 3 and flew out from the airport. Thankfully, our flight was only an hour.
The girls had a sitter this weekend, and she took them to the zoo on Saturday!
After arriving to the hotel in Des Moines, DJ was busy setting up meeting rooms, the players headed off to dinner, and the wives, alumni, and donors headed off to the Chophouse to eat dinner.
We had the most amazing food! I chose Lobster Corn Chowder for an appetizer, a New York Strip with sides of Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus, and Creamed Corn, followed by Creme Brûlée for dessert. I was in heaven!
We left the hotel Saturday morning around 11:30 to arrive at the game. The ISU tailgating area was impressive, but sadly, their fans were not friendly.
Here's DJ and I before the game. I didn't see him again until we boarded the plane that night!
Here's several of our wives that went to the game. These ladies are awesome and so unbelievably supportive!
And, the players before the game!
And the stands.... there were 55,000 in attendance! This is the 2nd largest football stadium I have been to.
Sadly, TU did not pull out a W, but we had several amazing plays, and our defensive played their hearts out! I was so proud of the defensive. I'm looking forward to the next three weeks as we have home game, and there will be no traveling!
It was a great start to the season, and there's no where to go but up! Let's go Hurricane!
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