Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

G's Dance Recital


G's dance recital was May 19th, and yes, i'm just now blogging about it! (Playing a bit of catch-up.)
I have to admit, that as a mom, this has been one of those days that I have really looked forward to. I kind of even compared it to her wedding, or a pageant, or some other huge event! 

G started dance last June when I was looking for a something to get us involved and meet people in our new town. She enjoyed it, and we decided to continue in a class this fall. 

It was so fun to watch her learn her dance steps and for her to come home and practice, and I admit, grown up conversation for an hour every week was so nice!

In January, their costumes were revealed, and I was so excited- they were gorgeous!

So, we practiced and practiced and continued our dance lessons, um, her dance lessons, until the day finally arrived in May!

Now, let me add that the week off her dance recital was the week that we were in Indiana. She missed her very last dance class, so I made her practice in the hotel with a video recording of the dance. We knew that we would have to leave early enough on Friday morning and drive the 12 hour trip straight through the day (of course with rest stops) but that we had to get back in that one day, because her rehearsal was Saturday morning with her recital the same evening, and she could not miss it! Thank goodness, DJ understood and he was more than willing for us to get home, for such an important event!
I'm going to back up a little, because Thursday night at the hotel, G was beginning to run a fever. We knew she wasn't feeling well, when she didn't eat dinner, and she crawled in bed by herself. She had 104. Y'all, i'm serious, I thought we'd end up in the hospital. But, thankfully, after alternating tylenol and motrin through the night and next morning, her fever had dropped. And, I was glad that we'd be stuck in the car for the next 12 hours, because that meant she wouldn't be moving around too much to get such high fever back again. 

So, now we are at Saturday morning, and she wakes me up telling me that her throat hurts, and of course she had another temperature. I gave her some tylenol, and told myself that we would try to get through the dress rehearsal and partially telling myself that she would be missing the recital that night. The one I had been looking forward to for four years (and maybe even a little before then.) And, I prepared my mom and stepdad (who were driving from Arkansas) that they might be driving for no reason. 

I ended up staying backstage with G during the rehearsal, and we survived. We went home for her to rest, but you know when grandparents are around, she didn't rest too much, and we continued to alternate tylenol and motrin and wipe her runny nose. 

By evening, she was feeling better, so we dolled her up again and headed out to the recital. My mom and I took G, and DJ, grandpa, and MC went to buy G her flowers. I never remembered getting dance recital flowers, but my mom swears I did. 

I stayed backstage with G for just a little while just to make sure that she would be ok. Unfortunately, a few tears were shed, but she was ok, so I left her in the hands of our stage mom, and dad. 
 Yup, our group had a stage dad. I think all of us moms were all in the same boat as I was- wanting to actually SEE their daughter's first dance recital. This dad was a genius when he brought his computer complete with LaLaLoopsy DVD. 
 My mom did a great job getting us seats, and we were all finally together, waiting. 

We brought puffs to keep MC quiet during the recital and just let her crawl around on the floor; anything to keep her happy.

Then, here she was!

 I'm not quiet the computer genius to add a video from my camcorder, but I promise it was adorbs! (Even though G stopped to pick her nose, and yes, she put her finger in her mouth.) But, she kept on dancing afterwards!

DJ and I went to pick her up after the recital and he surprised her with red roses.
 I think she was a little confused as to why she was getting flowers, but once we explained, she exclaimed, "Roses, my favorite!" 
 Since we were running late (we are always running late) we took photos afterwards. G's make up was just a little smeared around. 

And yes y'all, it was everything I had wanted it to be. She looked beautiful, she did a fabulous job, and I was so proud of her. Proud of her for learning a talent, for getting through her sickness, and for the way she looked on that stage. She was my beautiful little girl. And yes, I cried.

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