We get tons of compliments on her hair and her eyes.
She loves to wave, and will just sit in the living room waving at us. She was babbling 'la la la' a few weeks ago, but she stayed home with DJ one day and she can now babble 'dada'. We're working on 'mama' but I don't think it's as important to her.
There are times when she is so happy, and there are other times where I want to pull my hair out because she just won't let me put her down. G wasn't like that. I could put her down and she could entertain herself, and she still does. Not MC. She wants your constant attention and affection.
DJ says I asked for that. That when G was a baby, I would wish that she would just let me hold and cuddle on her. That wish came true with MC. It's partly one reason that I'm so behind on everything.
But, I know she's our last baby (at least, our last planned baby) and i'm trying to enjoy it all, because she'll be a year old in just a few months and i'm already planning her first birthday party!
I'm glad that God gave her to us. I think we needed her in our family and that she adds such a balance. She makes me thankful to, that she's healthy and growing and so sweet. I try to predict what her personality will be when she gets older. I think she'll be soft spoken, but I also think that G will try to get her in trouble, and that she'll take the blame for a lot of things. It'll be interesting to see if I'm right.
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